Ik heb het genoegen al een tijdje samen te mogen werken met Emma (Versluys) en Emma (Hanekroot). Zij vormen samen het danscollectief ‘Peeled Collected’. Het werk dat zij samen maken gaat confronterend ver de diepte in. Ik heb gecomponeerd voor hun nieuwste werk getiteld ‘Yellow days, yellow haze’. Hun eerstvolgende performance staat gepland op 20 januari…
‘Yellow days, yellow haze shows a fragment of the life of two people that, for years, have been living together in a house stripped of all sensory stimulation. Over the course of half an hour, the way their bodies move through the space becomes visible, as well as the way they search for connection while living past each other. By isolating themselves from a world that was too overwhelming, a more framed existence has come into being – a life without stimulation, change, and expectation.’
Yellow days, yellow haze is a research of extreme physical closeness within a state of emotional silence from the self and all surroundings.
Foto door Conni Trommlitz